Message in a Bottle

Message in a Bottle. 2017

Do you have something bottled up in your heart that you have been longing to tell but find it difficult to convey?

“Message in a Bottle” expresses ones who‘s feelings are bottled up and often buried away with a gesture of unspoken message. 

A word of compassion, gratitude and expressing of love to that someone is as as simple as making a little time and saying those simple words. Often, we choose to buried our feelings away, procrastinate from taking action; thinking it can wait as we still have time or they will understand the unspoken message. 

Send a message in a bottle today.

Gas reduction firing to 1310ºC  Porcelain wheel-thrown with transparent glaze on the inside. With layers of barium base glaze on the body and dolomite satin glaze on the crown.

From left to right I, II & III
21 H x 9 ø cm
30 H x 9 ø cm
19 H x 12.5 ø cm


October 21, 2019
October 25, 2019