Agneslxy is a Creator and Ceramicist based in Singapore. Aside from creating new masterpieces as a profession, she conducts pottery workshops regular to the public.

  • Stellar

    Stellar .2017

    Stellar is like the tiny universe each of us hold within us. Small yet brilliance when leave on it’s own. A universe that…

  • Guilin

    Guilin Series .2017

    Mesmerized by the sublime scenery of the Guilin and Lijiang River. The Guilin series is created from the basic understanding of using…

  • Vinyl I

    Vinyl I .2015

    A rhythm that resonates with your heart. A symphony reciting endlessly. A song you call your own.

    What melody is ringing in…

  • Serendipity

    Serendipity . 2017

    A fortunate happenstance is how I feel for this vessel. Every encounter presents a pleasant surprise, not knowing what to expect and…

  • Landscapes II

    Landscapes II . 2017

    Landscapes Series is inspired by the diverse mountainous landscapes I have seen during my travel aboard.

    They resonate the the great creation…