Hope <願い>

Hope <願い>

In the vast journey of our lifetime, having a little hope <願い> empowers us with a sense of peace, faith, assurance, courage and for some a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. 

As you wait patiently in anticipation, look around you and have a little hope too. Stay optimistic and trust it will be delivered in due time. 

Inspired by the concept of “hope” – a small vessel made in the likeness of a flame of fire, glazed to mimic the brilliance of a blue flame at its peak.

Gas reduction Firing to 1310°C. Porcelain wheel-thrown, glazed in matt blue with transparent satin glaze.

Vessels in varies shades of blue, sizes ranging from:
10 – 15 H by 7 – 9 ø cm


October 3, 2019
October 21, 2019