Art is Life, Life is Art.

Art is found socially in different forms; for some, it helps to process their emotions and understand their surroundings. It allows us to appreciate life from a different perspective and makes us feel alive. Art tells a story since the beginning of time.

Art is life, and life is Art; Living is an Art itself. Everybody shapes their life according to what is set upon them. Therefore, everybody’s story is unique in its way. And this is a part of my story to share with you.

A blessed place where new inspiring works are created and hopefully a gathering site to share and build the fellowship of Art as a part of life. 

The course of life has led me to where I am today. Having left the corporate world in June 2022, I went on the path to set up my long-awaited Porcelain Studio in the comfort of the humble haven I called home. A blessed place where new inspiring works are created and hopefully a gathering site to share and build the fellowship of Art as a part of life. 

Art has permanently been carved into my life at a young age. I remember watching some TV programs on perspective drawing as a child and never hesitating to pick up a pencil to start sketching. With over ten years of experience as an artist, a ceramist, and a creator, I am blessed to have persisted in my journey with clay.

After months of thorough planning and preparation, I’m finally opening up my studio to the public, an idealised thought to share the vision of “Making Art a part of life” and building a harmonious community within my neighbourhood.  

I will offer pottery classes from hand-building to Porcelain wheel-throwing, plus upcoming workshops on how you can decorate your ceramics work, glazing techniques and the Art of Kintsugi, etc. Artist Agnes Lim will provide guidance and share her learning and adopted way of decorating so you too can create your own art pieces.

If you are keen to explore Art with clay as your medium and create your own masterpiece, happy to share my learning and experience with you.

October 25, 2019