
I’m a passionate brand creator, artist and ceramicist who practises in Singapore.

When it all begins

I first encountered Dr Iskandar Jalil’s process in 1996 – 97 as a student at Temasek Polytechnic. After classes, a few students and I will quietly sneak into Dr Iskandar studio and gazed at him creating his masterpiece from a lump of clay. That was when I started my apprenticeship with him. I continued to worked with him on numerous projects from 2002 to 2004, however, juggling work and life took me away from ceramics for a few years. Following my passion, for ceramics I re-apprenticed with him in 2011.

My creations

While versed in a repertoire of clays and methods, I work wholly with porcelain to create hand-thrown vessels. I source for inspiration in life, nature and explore the use of raw resources collected during my travels to enliven my works. My methodology is to create aesthetically sound art that embodies its spirit and tells a story of its own. 

With their delicate form and subtleties of colour and tone, her vessels exude a gentle luminosity.

~ Lindy Poh, The Art of The Journey (The Pan Pacific Hotel Group Art Collection, 2019)

Where the Journey Led

Having left the corporate world in June 2022, I set up my long-awaited Porcelain Studio in the comfort of the humble haven, called home. This blessed space will be used to create new exciting works, and a gathering place to share and build the fellowship of Art as a part of life with the public.

If you’ve got any further queries please send me a message directly via my contact page.


2021 – Ceramic Expression 5th Ed (Women Artists). by Mulan Gallery, group exhibition

2021 – Red Exhibition. by Singapore Clay Festival 2021

2020 – Ceramic Expression 4th Ed. by Mulan Gallery, group exhibition

2019 – Ceramic Expression 3rd Ed. by Mulan Gallery, group exhibition

2018 – Ceramic Expression 2nd Ed. by Mulan Gallery, group exhibition

2017 – Ceramic Expression 1st Ed. by Mulan Gallery, group exhibition

2016 – 2016 Taiwan Ceramics Biennale Finalist

2015 – Balance in Imperfection, group exhibition at Japan Creative Centre (JCC)

2013 – Shakei Exhibition, group exhibition at The Glocal Connect Village Art Gallery, Temasek Polytechnic (TP) Iskandar Jalil—A Lifelong Passion for his Craft and ! his Teaching at JCC

2012 – Ngee Ann 3D Art Exhibition (Ngee Ann Cultural Centre)

2011 – Raw Interpretations, group exhibition at Art-2 Gallery 2010 Feel, an inaugural feature exhibition at Art-2 Gallery

1997 – Basic interpretation, group exhibition at TP


2020 – Commissioned works for Public Utilities Board

2019 – Published work in The Art of the Journey, The Pan Pacific Hotels Group Art Collection 

2018 – Commissioned works for  Temasek Culinary Academy

2017 – Participated i the creation of AS8 Mural wall:Flows and Contours in Tropical Asia

2017 – Participated in the cataloging of NIE collection of Dr Iskandar Jalil works.

2016 – Participated in the project management of Dr Iskandar Jalil – A Master Potter’s Philosophy & Process

2016 – Participated in the production of ceramic discs for the Apollo’s Dream Mural, (Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine)

2015 – Commissioned to curate the mural a 2m by 3m installation for a private collector, (Dalvey Road)

2015 – Facilitator for the Warisan Kita (Our Heritage) Mural workshops at the Malay Heritage Centre

2002 to 2004 – Practiced lessons under Dr. Iskandar Jalil and participated with the NTUC wall mural commissioned work during that period.